dimarts, 26 de maig del 2015

What a bargain!!

I've been looking for hard drives of 1tb for less than 70 euros, and I've chosen this two. Check it out!


For 62.90 euros (free delivered) get a Toshiba 1tb with USB connexion in ebay! It's new, with the original envelope. Only available in black color.
It's available to work with Windows  and MAC without requaring any software. The speed of information transmission is up to 5 Gbps, and the device weights 230 g. As you can see in the picture, it's quite little, so it fits in you're pocket.


Find this WD Element in Amazon for only 59 euros. You can also get a cover for this hard drive for only 3.10 euros more! It's also available only in black.

It weights 249 g, and the information transmission speed is 625 Mbps. It is designed for Windows operatinf system, but it can be formated.

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